2024 Australian Auto Aftermarket and Collision Repair Expo Date Change

We wish to advise that the AAAA has made the decision to change the dates of the 2024 Australian Auto Aftermarket and Collision Repair Expo.

Formula 1 recently released their dates for 2024, and the Melbourne race dates were a direct clash with the Expo which was scheduled for March 2024.  The Expo team had strategically chosen March dates for the 2024 Expo based on the previous two Melbourne F1 races being held in April.

Given the impact the clash of the Melbourne F1 GP had on 2022 Expo visitor numbers, the inevitable spike in accommodation rates and flight costs for the anticipated 5,000 travelling exhibitors and visitors, and complications for companies who are involved in both events, retaining the original dates in March was an unacceptable proposition.

As a result, the AAAA has secured new Expo dates: Thursday 11th – Saturday 13th April, 2024 at the Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre.

With the new dates locked in, the AAAA looks forward to delivering the biggest and most successful Australian Auto Aftermarket and Collision Repair Expo ever for exhibitors, sponsors and thousands of Australian and international trade visitors.

If you would like to be involved in the Expo as an exhibitor or sponsor, email contacts are below.

Exhibitor & Sponsorship enquiries – partnerships@aftermarketexpo.com.au.

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