Before the Event

Before The Event

An exhibition is the only marketing medium that brings qualified buyers straight to your company for face-to-face interactions. It’s also the only medium to harness all five senses, letting you demonstrate products, answer questions, overcome objections and – most importantly – build relationships with your customers and prospects.

Improve your trade event by doing a few simple things before, during and after a show.

Planning will pay big dividends. Spend a little time and thought planning before an exhibition.

1. Set specific goals

The tighter the goals, the better your chances of achieving them eg. Do you want to generate sales leads, launch a new product, find new dealers, demonstrate your product to top buyers, make appointments, write orders from your stand?

2. Plan the stand to meet the goals

Your stand location, design and activities should reflect what you hope to achieve.

3. Tell people why they should visit you

The simplest and most obvious tactic of all is also, amazingly, the least practised: tell the world what you’re up to! Research has shown that 83% of the most successful companies at a range of exhibitions (in terms of business generated and leads collected) were the ones that took the trouble to mail to their prospects and customers before the show.

We have found a sales call and/or email to be an effective way of notifying exhibitor contacts that you are going to be at the Show. In an email you can include a See Us At Logo plus some details including:

  • The Show name
  • Dates and Times
  • Location
  • How to register as a trade visitor or buy tickets
  • Your Stand number
  • What you will be showing
  • Offer to make an appointed time to meet them at your stand

4. Make the most of pre-show PR and advertising

You can mail your own lists or buy in a list. Participate in any PR or advertising opportunities offered by the event organiser.

The Collision Repair Expo team is always looking for interesting media stories from our exhibitors. We can promote these stories through our website, e-newsletters and our extensive network of industry media. If you have an interesting story, background or new product that you would like to share.

Run your own ads in industry publications leading up to the Show. Include a ‘See us on Stand 20’ flag on your advertisements which is an effective way notify the industry that you will be at the Show and tell them where they can find you.

The Collision Repair Expo See Us At logos will be available soon. There are high (print quality) and low (web quality) resolution logos. Include the logo on all printed communications leading up to the Show eg quotations, invoices or corporate communications. Also include the logo on your emails (under your signature is ideal) and website.

5. Don’t forget sponsorship opportunities

Sponsorship can be an extremely cost-effective way to jump out of the pack at your next exhibition. But some of the best sponsorships are custom made programs designed by the organiser and exhibitor sitting down together and brainstorming. Talk to the organiser. Tell them your goals and your budget. The only limit is your imagination.

If you are interested in possible Sponsorship opportunities contact the Exhibition Manager on 03 9545 3333 or email

6. Train your show staff

The first rule of exhibitions is ‘The people make the stand’. Make sure yours are well trained for the expo.

7. Use the web

All shows have websites to promote the event and register visitors. Use your website; it’s a great place to promote your presence at the show.

Link to the Collision Repair Expo website with the link This link can be typed in as is or linked to a See Us At Logo.

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