During the Event

During The Event

1. Brief your stand staff each day

The people on your stand make the difference between a good event and a great event. A highly motivated, well-informed team does more than any other factor to differentiate you from the other stands and make an impact on your market.

2. Spend the optimum amount of time with visitors

The key to success is to find the right people and spend the right amount of time with them. The optimum time per visitor will depend on your goals. Make sure you’ve planned a system that matches your needs.

3. Speak fluent body language

Smiles, eye contact, open questions…it may be common sense but it’s not so common in practice!

4. Focus on your key targets

Decide who your key targets are and brief your team to focus on them. Set your goals accordingly.

5. Collect lead information

High or low tech – collecting business cards from the pre-screened prospects is easy, but consider lead trackers for capturing even more data about your visitor, plus it’s quicker than data capturing business cards.

6. Leads: it’s all about quality!

The best exhibitors don’t just measure the number of leads generated, they measure lead quality as well.

7. Earn media coverage

Invite key journalists to visit your stand – or visit theirs. Keep a good supply of bright, well-presented literature available to the Media via the Organisers and ask the show organiser to steer the right journalists your way. To discuss your media plan, ideas or possible opportunities we suggest contacting our Public Relations as they will be able to, where appropriate, co-ordinate your media story with other media surrounding the Show.

8. Keep it all business

Current customers might expect to monopolise your time. Unless they’re your main reason for attending, try to set aside specific times for customers. Networking and social contacts are part of the appeal of an exhibition, but you’ll want to keep it under control.

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